
Thursday, June 9, 2011

VC Rocks Big Shot Blog Hop

Welcome to my blog! If you've been hopping along, you should have arrived here from The Love of Stamping. If you'd like to start at the beginning, click here to go to the VC Rocks blog.

This month, our theme is the Big Shot. Oh, how we love Mr. Big Shot! There are so many great things you can do with it. My favorite is the embossing folders, which I used on a project for our hop. I also love the dies, so I used my new Matchbox die, too. I had a comment last time around regarding the lack of pirates, so I'm making up for that today!

Nary a day goes by without thoughts of my gorgeous scoundrel, Captain Jack Sparrow. In his honor, I 'ave made some grand booty. Feast yer eyes on the treasure before ye. I 'ave used a fine set by the name of "Beware, Pirates" fer this project. It is Captain Jack approved, an' only available fer a few more days! Waste not yer time getting yer hands on this one, says I. Buy it online, ye can!

The pirate image is clear embossed on Basic Black card stock. I then used some Moonlight Smooch Accent Ink on it. I put some on a tissue and wiped it around the embossed pirate. It's hard to tell in the picture, but it is shimmery. For some extra treasure, I added three of our Rhinestone Jewels. The box is made from Basic Gray card stock and is sponged with Basic Black. The box is tied shut with black hemp twine which, sadly, we no longer carry. You could probably dye our natural hemp black if you really wanted to do it! Just be careful - our Basic Black is a permanent ink.

For you non-piratey folks (*gasp!*) I have also made a little treat box that would be perfect for wedding table favors. I copied most of it off another stamper, just changing the color and embossing folder used. The blue is Baja Breeze. The stamp set is Artistic Etchings, and the embossing folder is Elegant Lines. The ribbon is white taffeta. Of course, there are a couple Rhinestone Jewels for some bling. The label is one of three on the Matchbox die! Bonus!

A random commenter will get some BLOG CANDY! Ooooo what will it be??? Hmmm.... good question. How about some Big Shot die cuts? I have a few, you can pick when you win!

Thanks for stopping by! The next blog on your hop is Inkspiration by Dawn. I am sure she'll have something great to share, although there probably won't be pirates. ;o)



  1. Oh, I do love Johnny Depp, ummmm I mean your pirae theme. Oh, the projects were great too! Don't you just love the matchbox die? It can be used for so many different things. TFS

  2. How did we know you were going to feature Mr. Big Shot himself! Fun blog and fun project!

  3. Oh what a fitting birthday tribute to the ultimate pirate. Well done.

  4. Love the Pirate theme! Great way to showcase the matchbox die. Love the treat box. TFS

  5. Fun post! Great projects too.

  6. I love my matchbox die. Thanks for the inspiration. And thanks for sharing the photos of Jack

  7. Love the pirate matchbox. Thanks for an idea for a guy!


  8. Okay, I am in the "gasp" pirates for me, but I did like your idea to use it on the matchbox. I especially liked the elegant lines box, very pretty and elegant. Thanks for sharing!

  9. Fun first box and elegant second box.

  10. Yo ho ho, yer projects be just fARRRRRbulous, ye scurvey dog ShARRRRRri! Aye, ye be able to be stuffin many doubloons in them thar matchboxes, lassie. . .

  11. I agree with Karen, I'm not a huge pirate fan (sorry), but I do love Jack Sparrow! The elegant lines box is gorgeous, though! :)

  12. Beautiful boxes. Handsome Pirate!

  13. Oh my, just love that little matchbox. Great idea for the embossing folder as the box top too.

  14. all the big shot and all the embossing folders....July I get more...hehehe

  15. Aye matey, I love ye' projects! LOL! Had not gotten that set, but have been thinking about it. Figure if I don't my little grandson will grow up with an interest in pirates and I won't have anything. Best get it and put it away, just in case! TFS!

    Cindy Ferenz
    Proud Parent of 2 Soldiers

  16. Not surprised you made a special project for Cap'n Jack ... cute! And I love your treat box! Oh yes, and thanx so much for the embossed sheets from last month! They came in so handy for this month's blog hop! You're the bestest!

  17. After looking at your projects, I'll definitely have to check out the Matchbox die - and the pirate theme is awesome!

  18. G'day Shari - love the pirate theme and also the treat box - I could put pieces of eight in them!! Stampin Su (they call me that 'cos I've got a wooden leg!)

  19. Way to cute!! I love everything!! The pirate theme is great!

  20. I couldn't leave a message on early Sat morning when I looked but this is fantastic. The pirate theme- who would have thought you would choose this? How about everyone that know you.

    Carey Rogers (your roomie)
    aka Roscoe's mommy

  21. Holly, you are my Blog Candy Winner! Arrrrg!
