
Monday, October 10, 2011

BOOK-A-THON: October 11th

Tuesday, October 11th is Stampin' Up!'s World-Wide Book-a-Thon Day!  It is our goal to book 10,000 workshops.  Part of that goal is to have 6000 of those workshops happen Nov. 1-8.  If we can accomplish our goals, there will be prizes for everyone!

Have you wanted to host, but just didn't think you could do it?

"I am busy Nov. 1-8."  No problem.  We can do it before or after that week.  I can include bookings from Oct. 15th - Nov. 30th.

"My house is too small."  Again, no problem.  You can hold your workshop at my house!  I can easily hold 12 people in my stamp room and more if needed.  All you need to do is bring a snack and drink.  You don't even have to clean your house!  Bonus!

"I don't know who to invite."  You would be surprised at how many people you know that would actually show up!  I can help you find 40 guests to invite in just a few minutes.

"None of my friends would come," or "My friends aren't crafty."  Yet.  Give them a chance to try it out!  People who haven't done anything "arty" since elementary school fall in love with stamping.  ANYONE can do it!

"I don't have time."  Of course you do.  I can tailor your workshop to be as long or short as you need.  I can demo three projects or just one.  I can do mornings, afternoons or evenings.  I can even come to your workplace during your lunch hour and do a quick presentation with a fast project for you and your guests to make.  I'm flexible!

"I don't make cards.  I'm a scrapbooker."  So am I!  I have done many scrapbook-focused workshops. 

"I don't want free stuff."  Actually, no one has ever said that.  We all want free stuff!  

Wait a second... didn't I say something about prizes?  Yes.  Yes I did.  In addition to our new hostess program (more money to spend on what you want - you no longer have to choose a Hostess set if you'd rather get something else, and more), I will give extra free goodies to all my hostesses!

Book a workshop on Tuesday, October 11th:  Get a free pack of your favorite color of card stock
Host a workshop Nov. 1-8:  Get two classic ink pads 
Workshop total over $400:  Get a free stamp set (up to $21.95)

You could potentially earn ALL THREE of those prizes!  Geez, I'm giving away the farm.  All prizes from me will be added to your workshop to boost your totals.  That means more freebies for you!

Have I convinced you yet?  Give me a call or send me an email.

Happy Stampin'

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